We are Unitarians, that is Rational Dissenters or religious humanists.
We believe a reflective and considered spiritual life is the only life.
We believe that faith is ultimately a personal thing.
We believe that faith is sparked, nurtured and often expressed best in a group setting.
We believe in the miracle of faith to bring out the best in people, making them a blessing to others and themselves.
We believe in the spiritually transformative truths revealed in Christianity, the world’s religions, philosophy, science and the arts.
We believe in a rational/poetic understanding of religious truth.
We hold to a reasonable belief.
We believe in God as the wholesome, integrating force within each person, bringing out our humanity, connecting us to others, nature and the universe, completing our joy and tempering our sorrows.
We believe in Jesus, emphasising the theology of Jesus rather than the theology about Jesus.
Jesus is primarily special to us because he lived, taught and died as a human. For us, his full humanity underlines the encouraging, very real possibility that we might achieve something of that grace and truth in our lives that was so profoundly in his; and which has been present in so many other blessed souls before and since, whom we uphold with him.
We believe that the supernatural and miraculous claims made concerning Jesus are no stumbling block to the Christian faith. The Annunciation, Virgin Birth, the miracles he is said to have performed, the Resurrection, and the Ascension followed by Pentecost, are beautiful stories that, if not literally true, are an essential part of the Christian faith and our religious year, revealing and illustrating Jesus’ message to humankind, and worth savouring by us quite as much as by traditional Christians. Perhaps even more so, given that these stories are genuinely more mysterious to us!