Social Justice

Unitarians have a distinguished history of supporting their local communities and social justice regionally, nationally and internationally.

Local Contribution

The Sunday Service

A free weekly, quality Sunday service and fellowship in Brixton for the broadly spiritual (see Sunday Service)

A Dedicated Minister


– give free spiritual direction

– give free pastoral support in times of need;

– be a humanist / multi-faith / liberal Christian celebrant of rites of passage for a modest fee.

Brixton Legal Centre and Unity Child Contact Centre

Free access legal advice, and justice for children through safe contact with their non-resident parent in cases where no contact would otherwise take place.  

Community Hall

A hall home to numerous important community groups, including the above centres.

Brixton & Norwood Foodbank

Central to our corporate and individual spiritual practice, is our in-service foodbank collection on the first Sunday of each month.


Unitarians have led and supported many important social justice campaigns, including anti-slavery, religious and parliamentary reform, and more recently marriage equality for same-sex couples, including the right to marry in supportive places of worship. We remain the only such venue licensed to conduct same sex weddings in Brixton


We support the work of the International Council of Unitarian Universalists (ICUU) (our minister holds the ICUU Leadership Certificate, after studies at the Unitarian Academy, Cluj, Transylvania) and International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) and regularly raise substantial funds for relief efforts around the world, eg Syria (White Helmets) and Ukraine (Red Cross).